Voice Marketing


Plant Your Marketing Seeds in May

It’s spring, which means it’s a time of change. The days get a little warmer and a little longer all the time. Jackets and jeans get replaced in the back of the closet, while shorts and T-shirts make a comeback. And spring is the time when plans start to get firmed up for the rest … Continued


Coached Voice Recording Session for the Ideal IVR Experience

A professional voice services firm like Marketing Messages can and will go to all reasonable lengths to give its clients the best professional voice recordings possible. But even with trained voice talents and expert audio engineers combining their wealth of first-hand experience, there is still no guarantee that the completed audio is going to sound … Continued


Thinking About Rebranding in the New Year?

The new year is a time when people take chances and make changes, whether it’s tackling a challenge they’ve been putting off, committing to a new diet and/or exercise routine, or trying out a new hobby. It’s much the same with businesses. A new year is a chance to look back at what’s been done … Continued


The Best Voice for the Best Brand

Recently, one of our large, financial sector customers contacted us to praise the work we have done for their company over the years. The company undergoes regular surveys of their brand identity, and their voiceover recordings were highly rated and cited as a major strength of their overall brand. It serves as a nice reminder … Continued